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Friday, December 28, 2007

A Strange Use of UDFs?

SQL Apprentice Question
started a new project recently and the .Net/SQL Server 2000
application I was hired to help with was developed by a large
consulting firm. All the data access for the application is done via
stored procedures, but most stored procedure data access is done
via functions. So, you might have a SELECT inside a stored
procedure that looks similar to this:

SELECT e.LastName, et.TerritoryDescription, en.NADescription
FROM Employees e
LEFT JOIN fxEmpNat() en ON e.EmployeeID = en.EmployeeID
LEFT JOIN fxEmpTer() et ON e.EmployeeID = et.EmployeeID
WHERE e.LastName = 'Fuller'

And the function definitions are *similar* to those created in the
script listed at the end of this post (using the Northwind database).
I would solve the same problem using this approach:

SELECT e.LastName, t.TerritoryDescription, n.NADescription
FROM dbo.Employees e
LEFT JOIN dbo.EmployeeTerritories et ON e.EmployeeID = et.EmployeeID
JOIN dbo.Territories t ON et.TerritoryID = t.TerritoryID
LEFT JOIN dbo.EmployeeNationality en ON e.EmployeeID = en.EmployeeID
JOIN dbo.Nationality n ON en.NationalityID = n.NationalityID
WHERE e.LastName = 'Fuller'

The original developers are long gone and no one currently working
on the project knows why the function-centric approach was used.
There are no security restrictions that would merit such an approach,
and even if there were I would think a VIEW solution would be the
more traditional approach. And there are only a couple of complicated
relationships that one might want to "hide" from a less experienced
developer that did not know the intricacies of the data. Anybody have
any ideas when this approach would be justified?

-- Addl. Table and Function Definitions
CREATE TABLE Nationality
NationalityID int PRIMARY KEY,
NADescription varchar(20) NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX IX_Nationality_NADescription ON Nationality(NADescription)
INSERT Nationality VALUES (1,'America')
INSERT Nationality VALUES (2,'Canada')
INSERT Nationality VALUES (3,'Angola')

CREATE TABLE EmployeeNationality
EmployeeID int,
NationalityID int,
CreateDate datetime
CONSTRAINT PK_EmployeeNationality
INSERT EmployeeNationality values(1,1,'01/01/80')
INSERT EmployeeNationality values(1,1,'01/01/90')
INSERT EmployeeNationality values(2,1,'01/01/90')
INSERT EmployeeNationality values(3,2,'01/01/90')
INSERT EmployeeNationality values(4,3,'01/01/90')




SELECT e.EmployeeID, n.NADescription
FROM dbo.Employees e
JOIN dbo.EmployeeNationality en
ON e.EmployeeID = en.EmployeeID
AND en.CreateDate = (SELECT MAX(en2.CreateDate)
FROM EmployeeNationality en2
WHERE en.EmployeeID = en2.EmployeeID
AND en.NationalityID = en2.NationalityID )
JOIN dbo.Nationality n ON en.NationalityID = n.NationalityID




SELECT e.EmployeeID, t.TerritoryDescription
FROM dbo.Employees e
JOIN dbo.EmployeeTerritories et ON e.EmployeeID = et.EmployeeID
JOIN dbo.Territories t ON et.TerritoryID = t.TerritoryID

Celko Answers
One reason I can think of is job security. This code will never port
and can be read only by dialect speakers. A function call cannot be
optimized like a VIEW, so you are at risk for poor performance, as
well as the maintenance problems, as time goes on.

Another reason is that they are not SQL programmers and do not think
in terms of declarations. They want to see the familiar function call
they know from procedural languages.

Original source

1 comment:

PneumoBoy said...

FYI, Joe's been banned from posting on SQLServerCentral.com and SQLTeam.com.