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Friday, May 11, 2007

Last Day Of Previous Month...with a twist

SQL Apprentice Question
have a requirement to design a query that identifies items sold
between two dates. There is a 'SoldDate' datetime field used to
register what date the item was sold.

The query needs to identify all sales between the last day of the
previous month and going back one year.

What I would like to do is to design a query / stored procedure that
will dynamically create the criteria to allow the client to simply run
the query or stored proc.

I know how to establish the last day of the previous month part, I'm
just not sure of how best to design the remainder of the query.

Celko Answers
>> I know how to establish the last day of the previous month part, I'm just not sure of how best to design the remainder of the query. <<

Instead of using procedural coding, why not use a table of the
reporting periods for a decade or two? A simple BETWEEN predicate
will classify each sale quickly and give you extra control over non-
operating days, etc.

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