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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

self-referencing constraint with identity column?

SQL Apprentice Question
have a table that requires to have a self-referencing constraint to enforce
a parent-child type of relationship:

ID (identity column)
ParentID (INT column that references the ID column).

To determine if I'm at the top-level of of the relationship, I was going to
leave the ParentID null, otherwise it must be a value of another ID column in
the table which indicates its child of another.

However, can you have it so you don't use NULL to indicate this and instead
set ID and ParentID equal to the same value and still use the IDENTITY column?

So on a INSERT (i.e the IDENTITY would generate 25, so I'd like to set the
ParentID to 25 as well). This would was causing FK violation and I was
wondering if there is a way around it using an insert trigger?

Celko Answers

>> I have a table that requires to have a self-referencing constraint to enforce a parent-child type of relationship: <<

No it is not required at all. Look up the Nested Sets model for trees
and hierarchies. You will find the constraitns are much easier and the
code will run1-2 orders of magnitude faster than recursive path

Also, never use IDENTITY in an RDBMS; find a valid relational key

Original Source

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