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Friday, November 24, 2006

While loop?

SQL Apprentice Question
So I am just starting to learn how to use Database. I need the help of a SQL
guru! I have these three tables:
CREATE TABLE SB3_ScheduleChange
emp_num EmpNumType:nvarchar(7) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
Monday char(35) NULL,
Tuesday char(35) NULL,
Wednesday char(35) NULL,
Thursday char(35) NULL,
Friday char(35) NULL,
Saturday char(35) NULL,
Sunday char(35) NULL,
Name char(35) NOT NULL;

CREATE TABLE SB3_ScheduleChange
emp_num EmpNumType:nvarchar(7) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
sched_type_id nt, NOT NULL,
start_date DateType:datetime NOT NULL,
end_date DateType:datetime NOT NULL,
comments varchar(8000) NULL,

sched_type_id int, NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
reason char(20) NULL,


I am trying to come up with a query that will iterate through each employee
with the emp_num primary key in the emp_shcedule table. I would like the
iteration to check if the employee has an exception or "change" from their
regular default schedule in the table emp_schedule checking it against the
"SB3_ScheduleChange" table. And if the query finds a difference in schedule
to update or insert it into that employees default schedule until the change
is over on a certain date. My problem is I am new to SQL and I dont know how
to do this. Do I need a Calendar table? Use a while loop? Any examples,
help, or suggestions would be very much appreciated. Not that this will help
but here are some queries I have come up with. Just dont know how to tie it
all together.

This would list name, emp_num, sched_type_id, for each employee who has
A schedule type difference. Query shows every employee with a schedule type

SELECT es.Name, es.emp_num, sc.sched_type_id
FROM emp_schedule AS es JOIN SB3_ScheduleChange AS sc
ON(es.emp_num = sc.emp_num)

List name, emp_num of employees that are not assigned to any schedule
change. Query shows every employee without a schedule type difference.

SELECT name, emp_num
FROM emp_schedule AS es
(SELECT emp_num
FROM SB3_ScheduleChange AS sc
WHERE es.emp_num = sc.emp_num);

And if necessary a Calendar CREATE TABLE. But once again I am not sure.
CREATE TABLE dbo.SB3_Calender
MonthName CHAR(15) NULL,
DayNumber INT NULL,
YearNumber INT NULL,
DayOfWeek CHAR(15) NULL
CHECK (DayOfWeek IN ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday',
DayType CHAR(15) NULL
CHECK ( DayType IN ('Business','Weekend','Holiday')),


SET @Counter = 1
SET @FirstDate = '1/1/2006'
SET @ActualDate = @FirstDate
WHILE @Counter < 1096
INSERT INTO Calender (ActualDate)
SET @ActualDate = DATEADD(day, @Counter, @FirstDate)
SET @Coutner = @Counter + 1


UPDATE Calender
SET DayOfWeek = DateName(DW, ActualDate)


UPDATE Calender
SET DayNumber = DateName(DD,ActualDate)


UPDATE Calender
SET MonthName = DateName(MM,ActualDate)


UPDATE Calender
SET YearNumber = DateName(YY,ActualDate)


UPDATE Calender
SET DayType = 'Business'
WHERE DayOfWeek <> 'Saturday' AND DayOfWeek <> 'Sunday'


UPDATE Calender
SET DayType = 'Weekend'
WHERE DayOfWeek = 'Saturday' OR DayOfWeek = 'Sunday'


UPDATE Calender
SET DayType = 'Holiday'
WHERE (MonthName ='January' AND DayNumber = 1 ) OR
(MonthName ='July' AND DayNumber = 4) OR
(MonthName ='December' AND DayNumber = 25)


Celko Answers

>> So I am just starting to learn how to use Database. <<

1) What you are doing is mimicing a paper schedule form, not designing
a normalized schema.

2) data element names like the days of the week are values and not
attributes. Tha tis the output of a cross tabs report, not a table.

3) Column names like "sched_type_id" are absurd; an attribute can a key
(identifier, points to a unique *entity* in the data model) or a type
(non-key *attribute*, holds a value) but NEVER both.

4) You are still thinking about procedural code instead of declarative
programming and data. YOu have designed a magentic tape file merge,
complete with record at a time processing. Welcom to 1957!

Why not something like this?

CREATE TABLE PersonnelSchedules
(emp_num CHAR(7) NOT NULL
REFERENCES Personnel(emp_num)
activity_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (emp_num, activity_date),
activity_code INTEGER NOT NULL
CHECK (activity_code IN (...)),
..); ,

I am assuming one activity per day; if not this can be modified by
adding an activity number. You might need other attributes, but I
don't know you business rules. A single fact should be modeled witha
single row in a single table, not split all over the schema.

>> I am trying to come up with a query that will iterate through each employee with the emp_num primary key in the emp_shcedule table. I would like the iteration to check if the employee has an exception or "change" from their regular default schedule in the table emp_schedule checking it against the "SB3_ScheduleChange" table. <<

Why not go to the PersonnelSchedules and make this change, without
storing it in multiple locations? If you need to mark something as a
schedule change, then add a column for that attribute to the table.

When you get a new guy, fill out his schedule for 5-10 years in
advance. It will use less disk space than a hi-res employee badge
photograph. Now you can use a VIEW to get the weekly schedules, you
can do manpower projections, etc.

Most queries are easy if you have the right DDL. You should never use
a cursor in your SQL; we had to in the old days because we did not have
CTEs, CASE expressions, etc.

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