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Monday, July 24, 2006

find null value in any column

SQL Apprentice Question
Assume I have a table with only 1 row and all column is 'int'. I just
wonder is it possible to use SQL to check if any one of those column
contain a 'null' without knowing the column name?

For example,

create t1 ( i1 int null, i2 int null ....)
insert into t1 (i1, i2, ...) values (1, 1, 1, ... , null, 1, ... null,

and check if any of those column contain null...

Celko Answers
>> Assume I have a table with only 1 row and all column is INTEGER. I just wonder is it possible to use SQL to check if any one of those column contain a 'null' without knowing the column name? <<

SELECT 'yes'
FROM Foobar
WHERE (c1 + c2 + c3+ .. + cn) IS NULL;

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