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Monday, June 19, 2006

How to name Tables & Fields (pk - fk) ?

SQL Apprentice Question
Do you have any suggest or guide lines to help me to understand the better
way for naming tables & fields ?

Normally, I name the pk of all tables with : ID and the fk with :


Table: Authors
id (pk)

Table: Book
id (pk)
idAuthor (fk)

It's correct ?

Celko Answers

>> Do you have any suggest or guide lines to help me to understand the better way for naming tables & fields [sic] ? <<

Columns are not fields -- major difference!.

Look at the ISO-11179 Standards for metadata and data element names.
The basic priniciple is to name a thing for what it is, not how it is
used, where is located or how it is stored.

I have an entire book, SQL PROGRAMMING STYLE on this topic, with rules
and guide lines.

>> Is it correct ? <<

Completely wrong
1) you have TWO names for the same data element
2) the word "id" is a modifier for an attribute. Identifer of what??
3) you avoid any industry standards -- use ISBN and not "book_id"

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